We aspire to be a renowned Think Tank in the socio-economic development for Perak Darul Ridzuan by conducting high quality research to provide innovative recommendations that are relevant, practical and impactful in line with the aspiration of Perak State.
We conduct research in socio-economic development affairs to gain insight into local issues, contexts and indigenous knowledge. With the right and impactful information, we advise and assist the state government in its policy development and implementation.

Who Are We
We strive to assist our stakeholders in Perak. • We aim to make a well-informed decision in enhancing the well-being, security and opportunity for the Rakyat, strengthening the public service delivery and catalyzing economic, social and political transformation.
Board of Directors
Our Team

Chief Executive Officer
Dr Maisarah Ahmad

Chief Operating Officer
Azizul Hakim Abd. Karim