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Mensejahterakan Modal Insan: Berdamai Dengan Takdir (Episod 3)

By Institut Darul Ridzuan

The third episode of Berdamai dengan Takdir is an initiative of the Perak State Government in collaboration with the Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Perak (JPN), University of Cyberjaya (UoC) and the Sekretariat Pembangunan Wanita dan Masyarakat Negeri Perak driven by Institut Darul Ridzuan (IDR). The webinar aims to discuss and comment further on ways or measures to overcome and deal with mental health issues due to workload stress and adaptation to new norms when the world is hit by the COVID-19.

Continuation of the first episode of Peluang Dicipta, Bahagia and second episode Kepayahan Hari Ini Kemenangan Hari Esok was carried through to provide awareness to educators to support the education sector in Perak on mental health problems. This webinar was also held to identify the main factors that lead to the occurrence of mental health problems among educators in Perak.

A little bit of knowledge about a person’s spiritual and religious level does have a role in influencing a person’s level of mental health but there is yet no solid evidence to say that a person suffering from depression is a person of low level of faith. This webinar is held to further explore spiritual factors in determining the level of mental health of a person and how religion and spirituality become a saving factor to mental health problems.

The program featured two renowned panels, namely Ustaz Don Daniyal Don Biyajid who is the General Manager of Kuiscell, a television host, a well -known media personality with religious programs and Dr Siti Hazlina Alias, a Lecturer in Clinical Psychology at Cyberjaya University who is a speaker with extensive experience in the field of clinical psychology. She has published various studies in related fields. The webinar session was moderated by Dr Maisarah Ahmad, the Chief Executive Officer of Institut Darul Ridzuan (IDR).
The webinar program has achieved its targeted objectives based on the positive feedback received from the questions posed to the participants. This webinar program has been well planned even in the context of the Movement Control Order (PKP) which limits the coordination between the agencies through online platforms.

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